Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

by admin


Charges for the Service Agreement will consist of a Base Charge (if applicable) that includes an allowance (specified number of copies or images).  Any purchases made through our portal for products have a 15-day return policy on defective or unused items.  Purchases made through our portal for products will be immediately shipped to the cardholder address only, which is mandated by our address verification service by our credit card gateway. Overages (copies or images run in excess of the allowance) are billed in arrears. Meter readings shall be obtained automatically by our reporting module, if customer declines to use the module, meter reads will be provided by Customer at the request of SBM. Failure to submit meter readings in a timely manner will allow SBM to estimate the meter and bill Customer accordingly.  Invoices are due upon receipt.  If the Customer is not current in any account it may maintain with SBM, whether for supplies, or for any purchase or service, SBM reserves the right to withhold service. Should the Customer’s account become more than thirty (30) days past due. Or at its option, it may terminate the Service Agreement and apply the pro-rated balance of any prepaid amount to outstanding balances. Any checks returned by any depository, for any reason, shall subject the customer to a handling fee of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per check. If SBM turns an account over for collection, the Customer agrees to pay all collection expenses incurred, including court costs, interest, legal expenses and attorneys’ fees.